Al-Ameen Educational Society is a pioneer in the field of education imparting knowledge to students at different levels from Kindergarten to Doctoral Studies and Engineering or Medicine.

Today on 20th June 2022, Mr. Umar Ismail Khan, Hon’ble Chairman of Al-Ameen Educational Society inaugurated Integrated PUC Project in collaboration with Amster Academy Private Limited in the presence of Mr. Anmolla Ravi, Academic Director, Amster, Mr. K Noushad, General Secretary, AIKMCC-STCH,Mr. Nassar, Vice-President, AIKMCC-STCH and Dr. Sham Aan, Chemistry Professor.

The motive behind the project is to impart Quality Education and make clear line of demarcation between education and business in the times when education is turning out to be a pure commercial business for many.
The motive

On this occasion Mr. Anmolla Ravi, IITian, a professor in Chemistry, addressed the students about the importance of education in one’s life and he assured that IITians and NITians with impart quality education in this project.The President of the program, Mr. Umar Ismail Khan, Hon’ble Chairman, Al- Ameen Educational Society, highlighted the contributions, involvement and commitments of Al-Ameen towards empowering youth with quality education and in turn the development of our country.
The Program commenced with the recitation of Quranic verses followed by a peek into the remarkable services of the great Visionary of his time, Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Khan, the Founder of Al-Ameen Movement and welcome speech by Prof. Nawab Pasha, Principal, Al-Ameen PU College and concluded with Vote of thanks by Prof. Ramanjaneyulu Raju, Mathematics Professor.
Prof. Thaseen Fathima, Head of Physics Department, Compered the Program.